How to set up email forwarding in cPanel
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The article describes how to set forwarding for cPanel email service. For Free Email Forwarding use this guide.

In order to create email forwarding in cPanel, follow the instructions below:

1. Log into your cPanel, navigate to Email section > Forwarders:

2. To create new forwarding rule, click on Add Forwarder:

3. Fill out the fields and when ready click on Add Forwarder:

NOTE: You can forward emails sent to non-existent mailbox without having to create the mailbox itself.

If you would like to set up catch-all, you can use Default Address menu:

The default email address will 'catch' any mail that is sent to an invalid email address for your domain.

So if you would like all email sent to @yourdomain.com to be forwarded to existing mailbox test@yourdomain.com, the forwarder should look as follows:

That's it!

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