How to Create a WordPress Post
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WordPress gives you flexible options to post write-ups for visitors to read and comment. To create a summary of a post in WordPress, Go to your admin dashboard area Click on Posts > Add New. To add the "More..." link to the post, click the Insert more tag button in the WYSIWYG editor menu above the message body. 

If you prefer writing your posts in HTML mode, you can use the <!--more--> tag instead. It will be added after the text on your post. In order to create a summary for your post, simply write it in the Excerpt field, click Publish to save and publish your new post.


How to add tags to a post in WordPress?

When tags are added to WordPress posts, it helps you organize your website/blog's content. Tags give your visitors a good user experience 

To add tags to a new post, go to your website/blog's admin dashboard area > Posts > Add New.

When you write a new post, you can add a tag the post by typing the tag word in the Tags field on the right and click the Add button. You can add as many tags as you want.

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