How to add a new link to the WordPress sidebar?
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To a new link to the WordPress, sidebar is very easy. All you need to do is create a new link from the WordPress admin area -> Links -> Add New.

There you should fill in the name of the link and its description, choose its category (you can create a new category if you want), configure the target, link relationship and advanced settings to your preference. When ready, click Add Link to add your new link to your blog's sidebar.

How to edit existing links in WordPress?

You can edit your existing links from your website/blog's admin area -> Links -> Edit.

You can easily delete your links or change their settings. To edit a link, click the Edit button which appears when you hover over it.

How to display links in the WordPress sidebar?

Displaying various links in the WordPress sidebar is quite simple.

Most links displayed in the WordPress sidebar are actually widgets. They can be added to the sidebar from the WordPress admin area -> Appearance -> Widgets.

Select the widget you wish to be displayed in your blog's sidebar and click the Add button. When you are ready, click Save Changes and your widgets/links will be added to your WordPress sidebar.

The media settings in WordPress determine the size of the images that are inserted in your blog's posts.

These settings can be modified from the WordPress admin area -> Settings -> Media.

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