First, what is a nameserver?
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Nameserver is a server on the internet specialized in handling queries regarding the location of a domain name’s various services.

Nameservers are a fundamental part of the Domain Name System (DNS). They allow using domains instead of IP addresses. It is like contacting your friend by phone: before calling, you look up his/her telephone number or write it down not to enter the numbers each time.

In easy words, nameservers define your domain’s current DNS provider. Most domain name registrars provide default DNS service. There is also a FreeDNS service. FreeDNS is a DNS hosting service provided to help people whose domain registrars do not include DNS hosting with domain registrations.

With Hostmane, you can either use FreeDNS or DNS provided with domain registration and hosting services.

When you get a domain from us, the following nameservers are provided by default:


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